In this guide, let’s download and install Apache Zookeeper and Apache Kafka on Windows PC. We shall also create a topic and publish/subscribe a message to this topic.

Table of contents

  1. Download and configure Apache ZooKeeper
  2. Start the ZooKeeper Server
  3. Download and configure Apache Kafka
  4. Start the Kafka Server
  5. Create a topic
  6. Validate Topic Creation
  7. Test Kafka Producer and Consumer

Download and configure Apache ZooKeeper

Download Apache ZooKeeper

The stable version of Apache ZooKeeper can be downloaded from Apache Zookeeper Website.

For this tutorial, I am using ZooKeeper 3.5.6 version which was downloaded from here.

Once you download the apache-zookeeper-3.5.6-bin.tar.gz, unzip it and you should be able to see the folder apache-zookeeper-3.5.6-bin.

I have it under D:\apache-zookeeper-3.5.6-bin

cd D:\apache-zookeeper-3.5.6-bin
Directory of D:\apache-zookeeper-3.5.6-bin

06/10/2019  09:02 PM    <DIR>          .
06/10/2019  09:02 PM    <DIR>          ..
04/09/2019  04:13 AM    <DIR>          bin
06/10/2019  09:03 PM    <DIR>          conf
05/03/2019  05:07 AM    <DIR>          docs
06/10/2019  09:02 PM    <DIR>          lib
02/15/2019  05:55 AM            11,358 LICENSE.txt
04/09/2019  04:13 AM               432 NOTICE.txt
05/03/2019  04:41 AM             1,560
04/02/2019  06:05 AM             1,347 README_packaging.txt

Configure Apache ZooKeeper

Now that we have downloaded Apache ZooKeeper, let’s configure some basic default values so that we can run the zookeeper server.

Installation comes with a sample configuration file named zoo_sample.cfg in conf directory. Rename this zoo_sample.cfg file to zoo.cfg

  • ZooKeeper bootstrap broker runs on port 2181 by default. You can change the port, if you want, by modifying the value of clientPort variable in zoo.cfg file.

  • Also, ZooKeeper Admin runs on port 8080. You can change, if you want, by adding a new configuration admin.serverPort in zoo.cfg.

  • Data file will be written to /tmp/zookeeper. Change this to a valid folder in your PC by modifying the value of dataDir variable in zoo.cfg file. I have updated it to dataDir=D:/tmp/zookeeperdata.

  • By default, transaction logs will be written to dataDir. You can change this behavior by adding a new dataLogDir config in zoo.cfgI have set it to dataLogDir=D:/tmp/zookeeper-logs.

Start the ZooKeeper Server

Let’s go to D:\apache-zookeeper-3.5.6-bin\bin folder and execute zkServer.cmd

cd D:\apache-zookeeper-3.5.6-bin\bin

Console output

[main:JettyAdminServer@112] - Started AdminServer on address, port 2081 and command URL /commands
[main:ServerCnxnFactory@135] - Using org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxnFactory as server connection factory
[main:NIOServerCnxnFactory@673] - Configuring NIO connection handler with 10s sessionless connection timeout, 2 selector thread(s), 24 worker threads, and 64 kB direct buffers.
[main:NIOServerCnxnFactory@686] - binding to port
[main:ZKDatabase@117] - zookeeper.snapshotSizeFactor = 0.33
[main:FileSnap@83] - Reading snapshot \tmp\zookeeper\version-2\snapshot.105
[main:FileTxnSnapLog@372] - Snapshotting: 0x105 to \tmp\zookeeper\version-2\snapshot.105
[main:ContainerManager@64] - Using checkIntervalMs=60000 maxPerMinute=10000

Now that the ZooKeeper is up and running, let’s go ahead with Kafka server setup.

Download and configure Apache Kafka

Download Apache Kafka

The stable version of Apache Kafka can be downloaded from Apache Kafka Website here.

For this tutorial, I am using Kafka 2.4.0 version which was downloaded using this link.

Once you download the kafka_2.12-2.4.0.tgz, unzip it and you should be able to see the folder kafka_2.12-2.4.0.

I have it under D:\kafka_2.12-2.4.0

cd D:\kafka_2.12-2.4.0
Directory of D:\kafka_2.12-2.4.0

06/10/2019  09:09 PM    <DIR>          .
06/10/2019  09:09 PM    <DIR>          ..
05/13/2019  09:18 AM    <DIR>          bin
05/13/2019  09:18 AM    <DIR>          config
05/13/2019  09:18 AM    <DIR>          libs
05/13/2019  09:10 AM            32,216 LICENSE
06/11/2019  05:25 PM    <DIR>          logs
05/13/2019  09:10 AM               336 NOTICE
05/13/2019  09:18 AM    <DIR>          site-docs

Configure Apache Kafka

Now that we have downloaded Apache Kafka, let’s configure some basic default values so that we can run the Kafka server.

  • Kafka needs a running ZooKeeper instance. The default destination (ZooKeeper server and client port) is pre-configured in config\ Change thie value as per your zookeeper settings.

  • Kafka broker runs on port 9092 by default. You can change the port, if you want, by adding a configuration value for listeners variable in config\ As an example, if you like to run kafka broker on port 9999, you need to add listeners=PLAINTEXT://localhost:9999 in config\ file so that my Kafka broker runs on port 9999.

  • Logs will be written to /tmp/kafka-logs. Change this to a valid folder in your PC by modifying the value of log.dirs variable in config\ file. I have updated it to log.dirs=D:/tmp/kafka-logs.

We now have a basic valid configuration. Time to start the Kafka server

Start the Kafka Server

Let’s go to D:\kafka_2.12-2.4.0\bin\windows folder and execute kafka-server-start.bat giving the configuration file path in command line.

cd D:\kafka_2.12-2.4.0\bin\windows
kafka-server-start.bat "D:\kafka_2.12-2.4.0\config\"

Once the start up completes without any error, you are all set up with a running Kafka server listening on port 2082.

Create a topic

Kafka installation comes with utilites which can be used to create topics. Let’s utilize it to create a simple topic My-Test-Topic.

Let’s create My-Test-Topic topic using kafka-server-start.bat utility found in the folder D:\kafka_2.12-2.4.0\bin\windows.

cd D:\kafka_2.12-2.4.0\bin\windows
kafka-topics.bat --create --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic My-Test-Topic

Validate Topic Creation

Validate that the topic is created successfully using the kafka-topics.bat utility.

cd D:\kafka_2.12-2.4.0\bin\windows
kafka-topics.bat --list --bootstrap-server localhost:9092



Test Kafka Producer and Consumer

Now that we have a kafka topic, it’s time to test the producer and consumer on this topic.

Start the producer

Kafka comes with a command line utility that will take input from a file or from standard input and send it out as messages to the Kafka cluster. By default, each line will be sent as a separate message.

Start the producer and then type a few messages into the console to send to Kafka topic.

cd D:\kafka_2.12-2.4.0\bin\windows
kafka-console-producer.bat --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic My-Test-Topic
Hello from Codeaches

Start the consumer to read from Kafka topic

Kafka also provides a command line utility which that will dump out messages to standard output. This is the Kafka consumer.

cd D:\kafka_2.12-2.4.0\bin\windows
kafka-console-consumer.bat --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic My-Test-Topic --from-beginning
Hello from Codeaches


This concludes our guide to installing ZooKeeper and Kafka on Windows PC.

Your feedback is always appreciated. Happy coding!